Australian Foods You Must Try When in Australia
Tiemen and I have been living in Australia for over 2 years now, on and off. When people first asked us “What are the Australian foods you must try when in
How to Find a Job in Australia
Now as most of you will know, finding a job can be a stressful process, with endless CV’s and cover letters, interviews to prepare for, etc.
How to Find Legitimate Farm Work in Australia
Farm Work Australia is definitely an experience that you won’t forget, whether that be a good thing or a bad thing. There are so many horror
How to Find Somewhere to Live in Australia
There are many different ways to find somewhere to live. For most of you, you will probably end up looking for room in a
Mini Travel Guide to Sydney City – A 2 Minute Video
Tiemen and I are currently living in Sydney and we decided to create a mini travel guide to help you lovely traveller’s explore this beautiful city. There is SO
Why Moving to Australia is a Great Idea
How I Decided to Move to Australia I had just graduated from University in the summer and I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do with my life
How to Plan for the East Coast of Australia
Travelling the East Coast is a pretty cliche thing to do but for good reason; It’s awesome. I had been working for the past 11 months so I
Australia Working Holiday – Getting Things Sorted
A lot of people have messaged me over the year asking me why I decided to move to Australia, and how I managed to get set up and